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Lectures and Demonstrations

Lectures and Demonstrations

The Shillong Science Centre is committed to promoting knowledge-sharing, and our lectures and demonstrations are two of our strongest points. Take part in an interactive learning environment where learning happens all around you.

Our carefully selected lectures explore a variety of scientific fields and are presented by knowledgeable professionals and lecturers. These workshops aim to spark curiosity and a desire for exploration in addition to imparting knowledge. Whether it's the secrets of the universe, the marvels of biology, or the subtleties of physics, our lectures seek to make difficult subjects interesting and approachable.

Our engaging demos enhance the lectures by turning abstract ideas into real-world encounters. As our specialists bring ideas to life through interactive displays and captivating experiments, you may watch the magic of science develop before your very eyes. These exhibits, which range from chemical reactions to physics events, give the educational process a dynamic and participatory element.

Come experience a world where knowledge is shared, questions are answered, and the joy of learning has no boundaries when you join us at the Shillong Science Centre. Lectures and demonstrations are more than just instructional elements here. Keep an eye out for future events, and let the fascinating talks and captivating demonstrations to bring the wonders of science to life.

Interactive Session on Innovation

Interactive sessions on innovation are pivotal in today’s dynamic work environment. They foster creativity by facilitating the exchange of diverse ideas, enhance the learning environment, and improve retention rates. These sessions also promote team collaboration, which is essential for problem-solving and idea generation. Furthermore, they engage participants by creating an immersive and impactful learning experience. Therefore, interactive sessions on innovation are a crucial tool for fostering creativity, enhancing learning, and promoting collaboration in the modern workplace.

The Team from SSC organised a one day programme for the Centre for Kids on innovation.

Shillong Science Centre
Event Date

Interactive Session on Innovation

Interactive sessions on innovation are pivotal in today’s dynamic work environment. They foster creativity by facilitating the exchange of diverse ideas, enhance the learning environment, and improve retention rates. These sessions also promote team collaboration, which is essential for problem-solving and idea generation. Furthermore, they engage participants by creating an immersive and impactful learning experience. Therefore, interactive sessions on innovation are a crucial tool for fostering creativity, enhancing learning, and promoting collaboration in the modern workplace.

The Team from SSC organised a one day programme for the Annie Margaret Barr Children’s Village on innovation.

Shillong Science Centre
Event Date

Brainstorming Session on Innovation

Mar-Jul, 2022

Innovation workshops that are interactive are essential in the fast-paced workplace of today. They enrich the learning environment, increase retention rates, and facilitate the exchange of varied ideas, all of which stimulate creativity. These meetings also foster teamwork, which is critical for coming up with ideas and solving problems. They also involve participants by delivering a powerful and immersive learning environment. For this reason, interactive innovation workshops are an essential tool for encouraging invention, improving education, and advancing teamwork in the contemporary workplace. 

A one-day innovation session was organized by the SSC Team for 

  1. Seven Set H/S School 
  2. Nongumlong Sec School 
  3. Salem H/S School 
  4. Malki Presbyterian Sec School 
  5. The Nook
Shillong Science Centre
Event Date


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