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Innovation Resource Centre

Innovation Resource Centre

Welcome to the Innovation Resource Centre, nestled within the dynamic confines of the Innovation Hub at Shillong Science Centre. This designated space is a haven for students and innovators, providing a platform to showcase their revolutionary ideas through captivating and interactive presentations.

Immerse yourself in a tech-savvy environment equipped with cutting-edge amenities, including state-of-the-art audiovisual facilities and smart interactive features. The Innovation Resource Centre is not just a room; it's a launchpad for creativity and a catalyst for innovation. Here, visionaries have the opportunity to bring their concepts to life using compelling PowerPoint presentations, captivating their audience with a seamless blend of technology and ingenuity.

Whether you're a student with a groundbreaking science project or an innovator with a disruptive idea, the Innovation Resource Centre invites you to step into the spotlight. Share your vision, articulate your innovations, and engage your audience in an immersive experience that transcends conventional presentations.

The Innovation Resource Centre is more than a physical space; it's a collaborative hub where ideas flourish and aspirations take flight. Join us on a journey of presentation excellence, where innovation meets technology, and the future is shaped by the brilliance of today's minds. The stage is set, and the spotlight is yours—let your ideas shine in the heart of the Innovation Hub.


We are actively collecting feedback to improve our website, communication and processes to help students, teachers and curious people so that they can make the best use of the services at Shillong Science Center. Give us your feedback so that we can serve you better.