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Innovation Hub


Our Innovation Hub is a dynamic space designed to inspire and cultivate the spirit of innovation. Engage with cutting-edge technologies, collaborative projects, and hands-on experiments that push the boundaries of imagination.

Whether you're a student, educator, or a passionate learner, the Innovation Hub is your gateway to a world of possibilities. Dive into interactive workshops, explore emerging technologies, and participate in innovation challenges that encourage out-of-the-box thinking.

Join us on a journey of discovery, where ideas come to life, and innovation knows no bounds. The Shillong Science Centre's Innovation Hub is not just a space; it's a catalyst for creativity, invention, and the endless pursuit of knowledge. Unleash your innovative spirit – welcome to a hub where the future begins!


We are actively collecting feedback to improve our website, communication and processes to help students, teachers and curious people so that they can make the best use of the services at Shillong Science Center. Give us your feedback so that we can serve you better.