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Watery Life


Ever wondered how much water is the lifeblood of different beings? Step into our exhibit, a visual journey breaking down the watery secrets of various life forms. From humans to plants, animals to microbes – discover the liquid threads that weave through the tapestry of life.
Humans - The Water Symphony: Uncover the surprising truth about the percentage of water that flows within us. It's not just a fact; it's a liquid marvel!
Plants - Nature's Aquatic Architects: Explore the green world's hydration secrets. Spoiler alert: plants are more waterlogged than you might think!
Animals - Water Ballet in the Wild: From majestic mammals to tiny insects, witness the diverse water percentages that keep the animal kingdom dancing to the rhythm of hydration.
Microbes - The Tiny Ocean Dwellers: Even the tiniest life forms have their aquatic tales. Dive into the microscopic realm and uncover the water wonders within.
This exhibit isn't just about numbers; it's a liquid adventure, a celebration of the universal role water plays in sustaining life. Join us as we unveil the liquid symphony that connects us all. Water – the common thread in the extraordinary fabric of life!"


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