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A Swing is a Pendulum


Imagine you're on a swing set with three swings. Now, each swing is like a giant pendulum, swinging back and forth. Here's the cool part:
Long Swing: Picture the longest swing. When you give it a push, it swings gracefully, but it takes its time to go back and forth. It's like a slow dance, moving at a relaxed pace.
Medium Swing: Now, the middle-sized swing. It's not as long as the first one, so when you push it, it swings a bit quicker. The dance is still elegant, but the rhythm is a bit faster.
Short Swing: Lastly, the shortest swing. Give it a push, and it swings back and forth in a snappy, quick dance. It's like the energetic dancer of the group.
So, the length of the swing affects how fast or slow it swings. Longer swings have a leisurely dance, while shorter swings have a lively, quick rhythm. It's like each swing has its own unique style, making the swing set a playground of pendulum poetry!


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