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A Seesaw is a Lever


Let's unravel the magic of the see-saw! Think of it as a giant lever, like the ones you might see in a workshop. Now, the special thing about a see-saw is its fulcrum – that's the point in the middle where it pivots.
Fulcrum's Power: When the fulcrum is at the center, it's a typical see-saw. But what if we move the fulcrum off-center? Here comes the enchanting part. The longer side becomes like a superhero's arm, and the shorter side is like the hero's hand.
Balancing Act: Now, imagine a small child sitting on the longer side. Because it's longer, it's like having a longer lever arm. The magic happens when a heavier friend sits on the shorter side. Even though they might be heavier, the longer lever arm gives the small child an advantage and he is able to lift the heavier friend. It's a seesaw spectacle, where the fulcrum holds the key to surprising balance, making playtime a magical experience in physics!


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