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See through the Wall



Imagine you and a friend are on either side of a wall. Usually, you can't see each other through the wall, right? But what if I told you there's a cool gadget that lets you share a secret view? Enter the double periscope! It's like having two telescopes connected in a clever way. Each person looks through their end, and thanks to some nifty mirrors inside, you both can see each other even though there's a wall in between. Here's how it works: The mirrors inside the periscope reflect the images, allowing you to see around corners or walls. So, when you and your friend both look through the periscope, it's like having a magical window that connects your two worlds. It's a bit like having a secret spy gadget, but in a fun and friendly way. The double periscope lets you share smiles and waves, breaking down the invisible walls between you and your friend!


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