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Pulleys Lift Loads


Let's explore the principles of pulleys and how they make lifting heavy weights easier, step by step.
Exhibit 1: One Pulley
In the first exhibit, we have a single pulley. When you pull down on one side of the rope, it helps lift the weight on the other side. This is like having a helper – the pulley redirects the force you apply, making it feel a bit easier.
Exhibit 2: Two Pulleys
Now, imagine we add another pulley. This is where the magic starts. With two pulleys, the force needed to lift the weight gets divided even further. It's like having two helpers now, sharing the load. So, lifting becomes even easier compared to just one pulley.
Exhibit 3: Three Pulleys
Now, let's go big with three pulleys. Each pulley reduces the force needed to lift the weight, and with three of them, it's like having a team of helpers. Lifting heavy weights becomes way easier compared to having just one or two pulleys.
So, the more pulleys you have, the less force you need to lift heavy stuff. It's all about teamwork – each pulley pitches in to make the task feel lighter. This is why pulleys are like the superheroes of simple machines, making lifting and moving heavy objects a breeze!


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