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Lever Reduces Effort

Lever reduces Effort

let's talk about levers! Imagine you have a lever, which is basically like a see-saw or a crowbar. Now, if you press down on one end, you can do different tricks with it. In this experiment, you have springs on your lever. When you press the handles, notice how it's easier to squish the springs when you press closer to the middle than when you press near the springs? That's because of the special way levers work!. There are three kinds of levers, and they all have their own cool tricks. In this case, you're using a second-class lever. It's like having a seesaw, and it's easier to move things when you press down farther from where the springs are. Levers are everywhere – they're like the superheroes of simple machines, helping us do all sorts of tasks in an easier way!


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