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Human Body to Water Mark


The various water content of our major organs are as follows:
Heartbeat Harbor: Your heart, the rhythmic maestro, pulsates with about 73% water, keeping the tides of life flowing strong.
Brain Oasis: Venture into the Brain Oasis, where creativity sparks and thoughts flow. Surprisingly, it's about 75% water, fueling the sea of ideas.
Muscle Oasis: Your muscles, the powerhouses of movement, are about 75% water. It's the liquid energy that keeps you on the go.
Vision Lagoon: Eyes, the windows to your world, shimmer with about 80% water. Clear vision rides the waves of hydration.
Lung Lagoon: Breathe in the Lung Lagoon, where oxygen and life mingle. Lungs are about 83% water, making every breath a splash of vitality.
Bone Springs: Venture into the Bone Springs, where strength meets structure. Even your bones are hydrated, with about 31% water keeping them resilient.
Digestive Delta: Your stomach and intestines form the Digestive Delta, processing nutrients and water. They're about 75% water, turning food into energy.
"Tooth Oasis: Don't forget your pearly whites! Even your teeth, the sturdy architects of your smile, have a touch of liquid magic. They're about 10% water, standing strong and gleaming in the Tooth Oasis, where resilience meets radiance. So, next time you flash that grin, remember – it's a splash of hydration too!"
Step into this pictorial wonderland, where your body is a masterpiece of hydration. Each organ, a watery wonder, making you a living symphony of liquid life!"


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