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Fun Mirrors



Fun mirrors, also known as distortion mirrors or carnival mirrors, are designed to create amusing and exaggerated reflections. These mirrors have curved surfaces that warp light in various ways, leading to distorted images. The most common types of fun mirrors are concave and convex mirrors, each producing unique effects:

Concave Fun Mirror: A concave fun mirror curves inward, and its reflective surface is on the inner side. When you stand in front of a concave fun mirror, it can make you appear elongated or stretched. This effect is because the mirror converges reflected light toward the center, creating the illusion of lengthening.

Convex Fun Mirror: A convex fun mirror curves outward, and its reflective surface is on the outer side. When you stand in front of a convex fun mirror, it can make you appear shorter and wider. This is because the mirror diverges reflected light, creating the illusion of compression.

These mirrors are commonly found in amusement parks, carnivals, and funhouses, where they add an entertaining and playful element to the visitor's experience. The intentional distortion created by fun mirrors is a result of manipulating the way light reflects off their curved surfaces. It's a delightful way to explore the principles of optics in an entertaining and interactive way.


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