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The Flipping Window


Imagine staring at a trapezoid, a shape with one side longer than the other. Now, let's add a twist – quite literally! As we rotate the trapezoid, something interesting happens. The shorter edge seems to move closer, but here's the catch: our brain plays a little game with us. Instead of acknowledging the rotation, it tricks us into thinking the trapezoid is swinging back and forth. This optical illusion is like a dance between our eyes and our brain. While the trapezoid is indeed rotating, our brain insists on interpreting it as a swinging motion. It's as if the trapezoid is playing a visual trick on us, making us see something different from what's actually happening. So, next time you see a trapezoid doing its mesmerizing dance, remember, it's not just a rotation; it's a visual illusion that keeps your brain on its toes!


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