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Curie Point

Curie Point


let's imagine magnets having a temperature preference – they're cool magnets until things heat up! Enter the 'Curie Point.' Picture a magnetic material like a superhero magnet. When it's calm and cool, this magnet hangs out with its buddy, a small coil made of the same magnetic stuff. They stick together happily due to the magnetic force. Now, things get interesting when you start heating the coil – it's like giving the superhero magnet a warm hug. But here's the twist: when the temperature reaches a certain point, called the Curie Point, it's like the superhero magnet undergoes a transformation. It swings back, changes its structure, and suddenly, it's no longer magnetic! The magic is gone. In simpler terms, the Curie Point is like a temperature limit for magnets. Heat it up too much, and your magnet buddy loses its magnetic powers, leaving you with a non-magnetic sidekick. So, Curie Point is basically where the magic stops when magnets meet too much heat!"


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