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Tod Fod Jod - Break & Make Corner

Tod Fod Jod - Break & Make Corner

Unleash Creativity at Tod Fod Jod - Break & Make Corner in the Innovation Hub

Embark on a hands-on exploration like never before at Tod Fod Jod, the Break & Make Corner nestled within the vibrant confines of the Innovation Hub at Shillong Science Centre. This unique space is not just a corner; it's an immersive experience where students delve into the fascinating world of deconstruction and discovery.

Tod Fod Jod invites students to become modern-day explorers, tearing apart appliances and devices to unveil the intricate mechanisms concealed within. It's an opportunity to go beyond the surface, unraveling the mysteries of technology, and gaining insights into the inner workings of everyday gadgets. From dismantling electronic devices to understanding the synergy of components, this corner is a celebration of curiosity and the joy of learning through exploration.

In this Break & Make Corner, creativity knows no bounds. Students get the chance to not only witness but actively participate in the process of deconstructing and reimagining. It's a transformative journey where the act of breaking becomes a pathway to making—encouraging a deeper understanding of technology, fostering innovation, and igniting the spark of invention.

Tod Fod Jod is not just an activity; it's a mindset—an invitation to challenge, explore, and reconstruct. The Break & Make Corner empowers students to embrace their inner inventors, fostering a culture of curiosity and resilience. Join us in this unique space where the joy of discovery meets the thrill of creation, and where breaking barriers becomes the first step towards building something extraordinary. Unearth the inner workings of technology at Tod Fod Jod and let innovation unfold in the heart of the Innovation Hub.


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